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The preferred plan for Chinese brand products to go overseas to Poland

Poland's largest retailer, Biedronka online shopping website looks forward to cooperating with you!

Biedronka Home e-commerce is a shopping website launched by Poland's largest retailer Biedronka in August 2022. Our company Worth and Biedronka have been strategically cooperating for nearly 30 years, and are their purchasers, and jointly operate the Biedronka Home e-commerce business with Biedronka. JD Logistics undertakes the Biedronka Home e-commerce project and is responsible for warehousing services and last-mile logistics throughout Poland. Biedronka Home is different from platform e-commerce, we are committed to being an online retailer. We provide carefully selected categories, brands, and products to meet the shopping needs of our vast consumer groups. Upwards and product suppliers, we will establish a sustainable and win-win partnership. Together, let's recreate the largest online retail channel: Biedronka Home.

The country's largest retailer, with 3000+ offline physical stores, has laid the market foundation for nearly 30 years

Customer base

A win-win cooperation model. The brand is responsible for the product, and our company is responsible for market launch and promotion

Simple pattern

Different from the ecological environment of e-commerce platforms, fees are charged at every step from entry to sales

Comprehensive investment is small

High certainty

Professional operation team

Online and offline promotion

Jingdong logistics blessing

Avoid bad money driving out good money, instead of facing price wars with hundreds of similar sellers

Vertically Develop Brands

Diversified operation plan, truly omni-channel promotion

Various drainage and promotion blessings, annual event planning calendar

Warehousing and distribution exclusively operated by JD Logistics

Invite to settle in, only vertically develop partners of various categories

Cooperation brand

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